Saturday, September 19, 2009


The 30-yr old metabolism is a slowin' down. And it turns out that what would have previously passed for a solid dinner the night before a key workout, is in fact a "work-out derailler" now.

The story: Monday Night Football. Nachos and Beer. Or course. You've got your protein from the chicken and cheese, veggies from the salsa and jalapenos, and some simple sugars from the yeast. What could possibly go wrong. Let me tell you. I think I spent more time sprinting behind the bushes then actual sprinting at my Tuesday morning workout.

As I ramp up the training for my fall half-marathon and cyclocross awesomeness, I am seriously considering a foodie makeover. I have settled on a few rules that might help.

1. (obviously) No beer or nachos before hard running days (probably okay before hard cycling days).
2. Fruit and veggies at every meal.
3. Meat (mostly chicken) is best limited to small amounts and only three nights a week (sad... my midwest farmer ancestors are turning in their graves).
4. Ice cream... gotta have it. It is the reason I run! But, not to be had within an hour of bedtime and definitely not before hard run days.
5. Don't forget the vitamin.
6. ... And the water. I started up with the Nalgene again (bis-phenol-A be-damned), discovering that I have been consuming less than a liter a day of the clear stuff (not counting when on runs and rides and swims). This became really obvious when I was in Colorado last week-end... non-stop cotton mouth.
7. Cook... I have lots of good food at home. Less preservatives, more Vs and Ms.
8. And this one is really kinda important. Start some social eating.... i.e. I went out to lunch with Al on Friday to talk shop. We were heading toward the Monroe strip and I benignly asked what he wanted to eat... "Sandwhiches?" To which he goes, "ah, no... I want to sit down and eat. I don't want to walk while eating." WHAT? Apparently, I have a reputation for taking a walking-lunch (as opposed to a working lunch). Heading out the door with sandwich in hand, on my way to the gym, or to enjoy a few minutes of sunshine. But, walking (and sometimes riding my bike) while eating. I'm thinking I do this more often than not. As a triathlete, I am constantly eating while running or biking... it's part of the training. Apparently I have taken it to the next level with at least one or two meals a day "walking". In addition to my walking-lunch, I eat breakfast while standing on the slant board or walking/riding into work (this last is usually a Clif Bar). I often eat dinner standing at the kitchen sink or while driving on my way to somewhere. Snacks are on the go or while training. I DON'T SIT DOWN! So, in order to get myself to eat actual meals most of the time rather than on the special occasion I am going to engage in more social eating whenever I can, prefereably with good friends. Inviting people over for home-cooked food (or inviting myself over... sorry friends!). Actually sitting down at the coffee shop. Sometimes eating with strangers... like my recent experience at the airport.

Aside: I was sitting at a four-person table at the airport. One after another people kept coming to steal the chairs. When the last chair was about to be whisked away to another table by two gentleman, I politely suggested that they dine with me (it was more like a squeak and a frown and a long, drawn-out "we-e-elll"). They did and we had a very nice dinner as travelers meeting on route to stop and sit and eat and not walk.

Those are my new rules. I'm sure I'll break 'em and find exceptions as it goes. But I am thinking about this and trying to be food healthy and give my digestive track a break. If you have any ideas for me, let me know!

1 comment:

  1. Sunny

    Great post.

    A food log is the only other thing I'd suggest. But those hurt (at least they hurt me).

    Still owe you a video.

    I find I also have seasons (or blocks) where I decide to just not to care about the diet as much. These usually mean a margarita is more acceptable before bed ...
