Saturday, May 8, 2010

Swim for Health 2010 - Help a girl out.

So, how many laps (that's 25 yds) do you think I can swim in 30-minutes?  Want to bet on it?  I'm marathon training so my triceps/biceps are smaller than normal, but that doesn't mean I can't leave wake in the pool, especially wearing a one-of-a-kind Splish swimsuit designed by my artist sister!


Where's this going?  In two weeks, I'll be swimming at the 2010 Swim for Health to benefit the Bill and Judy Winkler Fund for Positive Lifestyles and Healthy Aging at OSU.  You know I have a soapbox when it comes to fitness and healthy lifestyles.  Here's my chance to put my money where my mouth is... er.... your money ;-)

Bill Winkler is former coach of the OSU swim team, relentless adult masters swimming coach, emiritus professor at OSU, and a superb example of the benefits of a walk each and every morning.  Not to mention, one of the people personally responsible for transforming my swimming in the last two years and making it a lifetime sport for me, not just the start of a triathlon.

He started this fund with his own money, and is now asking people to join in to continue to spread his message of the positive impacts of fitness in maintaining your own personal awesomeness!

So, visit my donation page or the event donation page, and even if it is just a couple bucks, I'ld really appreciate it.  Also, comment on this post to guess how many laps my team can swim in 30-minutes... I've got something special arranged for the winner!

1 comment:

  1. Nice suit, be sure to model it for the photogs!

    Need a little more financial confidence before I go funding others, perhaps a rain-check for your next one?
