Thursday, July 3, 2008

Pizza and Beer

Day 2 of vacation:
I started the day off with a little latte from a locally-owned Broomfield coffee shop, some crossword action from the Rocky Mountain News, and a JACS paper on thiamine pyrophosphate riboswitches, just to kill time before the girls picked me up for the drive to Crested Butte.

The drive was gorgeous and my plan to read during the trip turned into a 3.5 hours stare out the windows at the massive amounts of snow still left on the mountain peaks, the roughness of the Rocky Mountains, and the rivers and streams overflowing their banks with snowmelt. We stopped briefly at the top of Cottonwood Pass to take in the view and resist the temptation to throw a few snowballs (it wasn't safe to go clamboring on the snow fields).

We arrived in CB with enough time to get a late afternoon MTB ride in, but we were turned back from the Snodgrass trail by a sudden storm, and decided for safety-sake to leave the awesomeness till Thursday. Besides, people were continuing to arrive from Boulder throughout the evening, the pizza had been ordered, and the beer had been chilling all afternoon. Someone brought along the Rock Band video game, complete with microphone, guitar, and drum set, so we all set about perfecting our uncoordinated strumming, drumming, and off-key vocals in pour imitation of the Ramones and OK Go.

Most of the night, I wandered around catching up with various people late into the evening and eventually found my way to my twin-sized, but oh-so-comfortable bed.

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