Sunday, July 13, 2008

Slurpee Heaven

Did you know that Sonic has a happy hour?  1/2 price slushies and cream slushies from 2-4.  Of course, I never knew this because I can't remember a time when I was not working or training or cleaning my house during this time.

But when you are on vacation, especially in the town where you used to live, you discover an astonishing subculture coexisting, facets of society that I never encountered before.  Sitting on Pearl St. in the mid-afternoon, I observed a strange mix of second-hit-of-caffeine-suits (or what passes for a suit in Boulder) on coffee break, parents taking kids to the small play-parks that dot the walking street, those lucky people who work from home, and tourists (in which group I guess I fall).  This last group are particularly easy to pick out if you are a professional people watcher like me.

And people-watching, incidentally, is one of Sarah and my favorite pass-times. So, last Wednesday we spent an afternoon browsing the offerings at Urban Outfitters, having barguments (arguments best had after 2 beers, on sunny afternoons on a park bench, or after three cream slushies at the Sonic), and observing and commenting on the downtown fauna.  We also did a fair amount of what the French call faire du lèche-vitrine, or literally translated as window-licking.  Finally ending up in the Borders, our second bookstore of the afternoon.  And if you know me, you know I can't pass up a good bookstore... 

I am now the proud owner of "Portrait of an Unkown Woman" by Vanora Bennett and "A Year of Food LIfe" by Barbara Kingslover.  When I will have time to read these, who knows.  But I finally finished "The Birth of Venus"by Sarah Dunant and it was wonderful.  A light-hearted read that seamlessly weaves references to Renaissance artists, political figures, and historical events.  So that I almost felt smarter for reading a historical romance.  
Orange, Strawberry, and Grape cream slushies.  For the record, grape tastes like you would think it would (not like a grape at all) and orange is the best.
Thanks Sarah for an awesome afternoon!  It was just like old times and a veritable shot in the arm for me!


  1. 2 for the price of 1 and you guys order 3....I love it!


  2. yummmmm sugar! glad to see you made it back safe and sound(?)...
