Monday, April 27, 2009

Hello, stranger!

Back by popular demand.  No, not really.  But, you could sort of call it that.  When I can't run, my motivation leaps out of the window.  Taking with it my good intentions, my creative thinking skills, and my touch typing abilities.  Lately, I've been nose-to-touch-screen with the iPhone texting and tweeting (my tweetID is run4funner if you are at all interested), working on the inevitable iArthritis that doctors will start diagnosing for patients whose iHands have frozen in the shape of their iGadgets.

I am back to running almost normal distances at this point.  Just in the nick of time, too.  Wildflower Tri is this week-end!  I didn't want to admit that I was worried I wouldn't be able to finish the run leg.  But, I was worried I wouldn't be able to finish the run leg.  Now I know at least I'll keep running.  (Competitors be warned: I can still drop a 5:45 mile with limited warm-up, off-road, no less... did it last Tuesday... don't ask).

So, it's been a while since I packed for a triathlon.  And, it has also been a while since I pulled out the old tri-bag.  As the ancient clif shot blox in the side pocket can attest to (now replaced with a new package of Clif Shot Blox (if you haven't tried out the new packaging yet... I can tell you that it is much faster to open while climbing Mary's Peak with no hands than it used to be... and no teeth tearing maneuvers!).  I also popped in some extra sunscreen, my "Poser Triathlete" visor, and my new Brooks Racer ST4s that actually have gold detailing on them!  I'm making a switch with the shoes this year.  I've always raced in Mizuno or Asics, but I've been running in Brooks for about 7 years, ever since Kathy at Fleet Feet Boulder put me in them.  And I thought, "Why not?"  Why not, indeedy.

That's about it.  I figured with the recession and all that I would take a page from the current home-owners... don't sell the abode, remodel it.  So, the Orbea has been tuned, lubed, and tubed by Gordie at Northwest Multisports.  I'm rockin' a new saddle this year, but the same old shoes and trusty helmet.  But, I will be riding the wave (literally... you'll see) with a new Splish suit that was designed by my very talented artist sister, Katie.

Shout-outs:  To Team Lovato racing at St. Croix next week-end.  To my mom and dad for training to ride their bikes across Missouri again this year.  To my BFFs-Corvallis, Heather and Erika, for keepin' a girl sane.  And also to Amber, hang in there chica!


  1. good luck this weekend! i love my iphone, i may even have it implanted in to my hand to avoid issues.

  2. Sunny, have a great trip and an excellent race! Can't wait to hear about it.
