Sunday, May 18, 2008

My new bike

It's here and it is fixed up and it is so pretty looking and it is so sad that I had to leave it in the garage all week-end. Yup, I forgot one oh-so-critical piece of bike riding. Cleats for the shoes. You would have thought that after years of being a cyclist, I would have remembered this small requirement. But alas.

No matter, I had a lot of training to do this week-end. 15 mile hilly trail run on Saturday with Gerhart, Dave, and the Scotts. Actually, I was really lucky to have a trail running partner at all this week-end. I volunteered to woman a corner at the Reach the Beach Charity bike ride in the morning and was pretty certain that I wasn't going to be able to get my run in until later in the sweltering heat. But, having seen Gerhart the night before, I told him that whenever I was done volunteering, I was going to start running from the Oak Creek Trail Head, approximately a third of the way along their trail route. Well, as fortune would have it, they all decided to run out to the trail head to see if I had made it yet, just as I was pulling up. Fantastically fortuitous timing.

For my ride this morning, I started out with the Orbea on a 90-miler with a group of ironmanees. However, it was super hot and I had only brought two bottles. So, at mile 45, I took a short cut from their route with this kid Blair and rolled into Corvallis with an even 75. One huge difference between riding in the valley and riding in Colorado that I realized today: there is really no where to stop and water-up. Must remember that for next time. The dehydration and heat required that I cool off and nutrish immediately after getting home. So:

ice cream
vanilla yoghurt
frozen peachs
and for good measure, some Mango-Orange Clif Recovery Powder

and I was feeling fi-i-i-ine.

Aside from the working out... On Saturday, I went to the beach! We (Erika and I) didn't go swimming of course (frickin' freezing), but we did walk n' talk pretty much the length of the beach in the afternoon. Then we got some dinner and fish 'n chips and beers at the Rogue Brewery right on the waterfront. However, two beers, and we had to go for another walk and get ice cream before driving back to Corvallis. We had so much fun that I did not even realize that we had pretty much talked non-stop for eight hours (I know that no one in Boulder is surprised, by that...but it hadn't happened yet in Corvallis). Looking forward to lots more hanging out with Erika and Bill in the future.

P.S. Summer is here! Yeah!


  1. sounds nice and that you have hooked up with some good training partners! is the place growing on you now?

  2. It's starting to grow on me...but I'm tall, so it might take awhile :-)
